
Eco-eze Compot Composter


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Compost Bin – The Eco-Eze Compot Composter (Compost in a Pot) revolutionizes waste management by effortlessly converting odorous scraps into premium soil. Whether you have a petite garden or a sprawling landscape, this composter adapts seamlessly, accommodating any household waste volume. Say farewell to unsightly council bins and the hassle of pre-freezing food before disposal. With minimal maintenance and no need for turning, it offers unparalleled convenience.

You can toss ‘ALL’ your kitchen waste into the Eco-Eze Compot compost bin, from meat and citrus to onions, oil, dairy and any other biodegradable material. By following my instructions, you can confidently add up to 10 litres of waste, especially if pre-soaked, knowing it will break down efficiently.

Ready to experience innovation with the best composter? Sustainable and effortless to use.


About Eco-eze Compot Composter

Click here for Technical Specifications of the product.  About 10 pages

All care is taken to produce a quality product that will work for you all day every day giving you many years of satisfaction, as well as naturally fertilizing your garden, reducing council waste and therefore reducing methane greenhouse gas emissions.

Please see our returns and refunds policy if you are not satisfied with your purchase but please call us first.    It is very rare for the Compot not to work and you might just need a little extra information.

Or check out our FAQs and Tips and Tricks page.

Compot Height: 23cm
Compot Diameter: 24cm
Capacity: 10 liters per pot
Depth of hole to dig: 23cm

Lid Height: 4cm
Lid Diameter: 23cm outer; 19.5cm inner

Lift Pin Length: 10cm Tab: 2cm Circle: 4.5cm

The green eco-eze Compots are made from virgin plastic material that should last you roughly 10 years plus in the garden.  There are no harmful chemicals in this material and it should not break if you stand on the lid.  The lid will usually push into the pot rather than break.  If you hit it with a rotary hoe (as one customer did) it will no doubt get chopped up.  The lid is designed to take the weight of a 50 Kg child who might run across it.  I personally have jumped on them and the lid usually just pushes inside the Compot Base.  The product is guaranteed for 2 years under normal circumstances, but it should last much longer than 2 years so you get many valuable years of use out of your Compots.

POSTAGE COSTS:  $10 flat postage rate now applies to all Compot bundles

If for any reason you feel the cost of a Compot is out of your budget please email us  so we can work something out for you.

Be sure to sign up for monthly discounts which I hope to release on the 1st of each month and will run for that month.

Instead of a large compost bin taking up valuable space in your garden, you can install a few small compost bins that will cater to all your food waste needs. Nourish your whole garden with little to no effort except to top up your pots, and occasionally collect soil.   The bugs do everything for you. Just sit back and watch your plants thrive. But don’t get rid of your big compost system until you know you don’t need it anymore.  It still has a place in many gardens for composting large quantities of green garden waste.   Keep it for your green waste and use the Compots for ALL your kitchen waste.  Using both systems together will work for large gardens and free up some space in your council bins.

Invisible in your garden

Invisible in your garden, mow over it with the Lid in the reverse position, fill and forget it. The eco-eze Compot composter produces no Methane gases and  works faster than larger size composter.   It is also super fast and efficient while nourishing your garden without any hard work from you.  So versatile you can use it almost anywhere, and turn your trash into triumph in your garden. Or simply use it to compliment the current composting system you are using.

What can I compost?

You can compost all the usual worm friendly waste.  PLUS meat, citrus, onions, oil, dairy, eggs, coffee, tea bags, prawns, fish, crab and animal waste.  Not to mention, oysters, bones, paper towel you might wipe a frying pan out with, and anything  that you produce in the kitchen.  Except of course for plastic, glass, aluminium, or metal containers of any kind. Literally anything biodegradable. Though bones, crab shells, and oyster shells won’t actually decompose. But any remaining food remnants left on shells or bones, will be eaten leaving behind a clean item. If you are really keen you can remove these items when ready, dry them, crush them and put them back on your garden as a calcium source of food for your plants.  Or simply toss them in your bin.  They will smell like beautiful composted soil and not smelly fish or meat waste.  So they don’t stink out your council bin. Learn more about what you can compost by reading our FAQs below.

Want to learn more? Get in touch with us today. 

How To Use Compot Compost Bins

Step 1

Dig a Small Hole

To start, dig a hole for each Compot, aiming for a depth of roughly 30cm and positioning them approximately 30cm away from any nearby trees. Depending on your preference or the types of plants you’re cultivating, you can decide where to position the Compots within your ornamental garden or vegetable patch.

Plant your Compot in the garden level with the ground
Step 2

Place Compot

Place the Compot flush with the ground level to blend into your garden, making it virtually invisible. Each Compot can nourish 50cm-1 meter around it, expanding over time. Keep soil moist to support worms. The Compot is portable, compact, and lightweight, making it easy to move.

Step 3

Fill With Organic Matter

Fill your Compot with kitchen or other biodegradable materials, including dog waste, and let Soldier Flies, worms, and other composting organisms break down the food. Soak scraps in wastewater for optimal decomposition, promoting fermentation and making it easier for garden critters to break down. Rotate filling, adding waste as needed, and let the pots rest before filling again when they reach capacity.

Step 4

Twist & Lock Lid

Secure the lid to the pot by twisting it clockwise. Invert the lid for optimal mowing. Soldier Flies are naturally attracted to the contents and will compost the waste quicker than worms.  The larvae are also a valuable protein source for wildlife, creating a mini ecosystem around the pot, and generally improving your whole garden.

How The Eco Eze Compot Works

Discover the intricacies of the Eco-Eze Compot with our comprehensive guide, outlining easy steps to install, fill, propagate, empty or relocate your Compot. Explore additional valuable insights in our FAQ section and uncover helpful tips and tricks to enhance your Compot experience. Learn how it works here.

More About Us

When I started this journey in 2009, I found nothing existed commercially, that was reasonably priced and easy to use. There was a homemade system which I also found was not that user-friendly.

Then a friend of mine told me about a homemade method she used.   However, when I tried her method, I found this also didn’t suit my needs, as it too had flaws that I considered where important. It did not keep vermin out, did not have a lockable lid and (to me) looked unsightly in the garden.


Frequently Asked Questions

YES. Absolutely you can fill it with just worm friendly scraps if that is what you prefer, but you will have to separate all your scraps into two piles. I personally don’t have time to fiddle with separating food waste and just toss it all in together. One thing though – you may find the Compot will need emptying more often as the worms try to fill the pot up with soil and their castings. But you will have beautiful compost more regularly to harvest if this is your aim and your Compot will be full of worms.

There is no need to water your Compots specifically. When you water your garden water will naturally go into the Compot through the holes and this is a good thing as it will keep the contents nice and moist.

If, however, you found your pots were really dry and the waste was not decomposing at all then you might want to add some water to soften the waste to help the decomposition process along. Dry contents can occur when you don’t cover your Compots with leaves, or hay etc because the hot sun gets in, in summer, and dries the contents out, dehydrating the waste rather than decomposing it. Much the same as if you were to throw your waste out onto an open lawn without burying it. The same will happen in winter but this time it is the cold air drying out or freezing the contents.

You can fill your Compot with any biodegradable waste from your kitchen. IE: Anything that will break down. EG: Meat, citrus, onions, oil, dairy, eggs, coffee grounds, tea and tea bags, paper towel, old nuts, pasta, bread, cooked food of any sort, wastewater (with or without detergent), milk, cream, yogurt, and anything else you can find in your kitchen that you would normally eat or throw in your council bin, aside from the obvious; glass, plastic, metal etc. So literally everything that you produce in the kitchen that is biodegradable.

Everything will decompose – even doggie doo (un-medicated preferably unless you are putting this waste by a big tree or unused part of your garden). No doggie doo in your veggie patch either.

The time it takes to decompose will just depend on the density of the food, the time of the year, and whether you are relying on all the elements to decompose your waste or just worms.

If you only want to fill your Compot with worm friendly scraps, then you need to leave out most of what I just said you could put in the Compot. It’s up to you how you want to use your Compot and what you feed it. But I find it more efficient to fill it with everything. Just do what is best for you. See other tips and tricks about ways to make it work faster.

There is nothing stopping you from putting paper or cardboard in your pot.   But I think this is a waste of good food composting space, and it takes a long time to decompose.   Worms are better at disposing of paper and cardboard. I prefer to use the “Above Ground Method” for composting my paper and cardboard waste.  Paper, carboard and green garden waste are better composted in bay or tumbler systems if you have very large quantities of these materials.   However you can compost green garden waste inside the Compot as long as it is not too fibrous.  Fibrous waste is better disposed of using the above ground method.  But different types of green waste will decompose differently. I have tried exterminating some Wandering Dew and it works a treat because this plant is not very fibrous and turns to water and waste very quickly.  So you would need to try different things in your garden to see what works best.   I personally think it is a waste of good food composting space.  Of course it all depends how many you have scattered around your garden. In the end it is your choice what you prefer to do.   You can send your paper and cardboard off to council tips for large compost companies to utilise if that is easier for you. And green waste if you have a council green waste bin.  At least the cardboard and paper or green waste won’t stink out your council bin.

The Compot works with roughly 6 different elements – the main one and most important are the Soldier Flies. These amazing little bugs will devour anything and everything you throw at them. Composting with Black Soldier Flies If you live in a climate that it either too hot or too cold for the Soldier Fly to survive you can still compost with the eco-eze compot composter because there are ground critters, worms, bacteria and all kinds of invisible things that make your Compots work.  So it will still work but it will be much slower. In some instances you would get better results using the Above Ground Method.   It all depends on your climate, your environment and your particular circumstances.

The worms with this system live outside the pot in the surrounding soil.   Here they get all the left over morsels leached off the food as the Soldier Fly Larvae devour your waste.   The worms will come into the pot if the Soldier Flies have vacated by pupating to become more Soldier Flies. Sometimes you will find the worms and Soldier Flies in there together but only if the Soldier Fly Larvae are in small numbers. The rest of the elements all do their bit as they all work separately or in unison to compost your waste.   If one element is not available (eg Soldier Fly Larvae) then the other elements will still do the work.   It is just a matter of working out how best to use the eco-eze composter in your garden and whether you put it in the ground or above ground.

This can create varying degrees of decomposition depending on…
  1. The weather.
  2. Your soil type.
  3. The time of year.
  4. Bugs & Bacteria in your soil.
  5. How moist the contents are.
  6. The microclimate in your garden.
  7. Do you water your plants regularly.
  8. Are you soaking your scraps and for how long.
  9. What are you using as a cover on your Compot Lid.
  10. Is the inside environment keeping your bugs happy.

It’s super easy to keep your bugs happy, and I never worry about any of the above things.  I just fill, forget, refill and cover with my grass clippings and leaves.  Don’t make it a chore.  It is meant to be easy – eco-eze.

How do I keep them happy?

Ideally, when you lock on the reversible lid it is preferable to cover the lid with whatever you use in your garden bed to keep the moisture in your soil. This might be…

  1. Grass clippings and leaves (my favourite)
  2. Hay/Straw
  3. Lucerne
  4. Pea Straw
  5. Just leaves
  6. Coconut fiber (not coir)
  7. Small fibrous green waste
  8. Mulch if it is not full of too much soil
  9. Weeds if you are not worried about how it looks.
  10. And my all time favourite….Shredded Bamboo – but this costs money.

Covering the lid with whatever you are using in your garden to keep the moisture in your soil will be more than adequate.   This keeps the hot air out in summer and the cold air out in winter so your waste decomposes rather than dehydrates.   Nothing can easily decompose dry waste so keep your lids covered and your contents wet.   It will disappear eventually over time if left uncovered and becomes dry, but it takes a long time depending on what you filled your pot with. It also keeps the light out as most garden critters who live in your soil prefer the dark.  You don’t have to cover your pots.  But you will find it works more efficiently, breaks down quicker, and the contents stay nice and moist.  In the end it is up to you.  Try both ways and see for yourself which works better in your garden.

The general rule is cover your pots with anything but dirt as it needs to breathe, and no sugar cane mulch as this emits a sweet smell of molasses which appears to attract rats. This won’t happen if every garden. But if you already have a rat problem in your neighbourhood, then don’t use sugar cane mulch. I think it is better to mix the sugar cane mulch into your soil as you prepare your garden bed for planting. This way there is not the same strong smell of molasse being emitted into the air. If you find sugar cane mulch works in your garden without any issues, then feel free to use it.

This can create varying degrees of decomposition depending on…
  1. The weather.
  2. Your soil type.
  3. The time of year.
  4. Bugs & Bacteria in your soil.
  5. How moist the contents are.
  6. The microclimate in your garden.
  7. Do you water your plants regularly.
  8. Are you soaking your scraps and for how long.
  9. What are you using as a cover on your Compot Lid.
  10. Is the inside environment keeping your bugs happy.

It’s super easy to keep your bugs happy, and I never worry about any of the above things.  I just fill, forget, refill and cover with my grass clippings and leaves.  Don’t make it a chore.  It is meant to be easy – eco-eze.

How do I keep them happy?

Ideally, when you lock on the reversible lid it is preferable to cover the lid with whatever you use in your garden bed to keep the moisture in your soil. This might be…

  1. Grass clippings and leaves (my favourite)
  2. Hay/Straw
  3. Lucerne
  4. Pea Straw
  5. Just leaves
  6. Coconut fiber (not coir)
  7. Small fibrous green waste
  8. Mulch if it is not full of too much soil
  9. Weeds if you are not worried about how it looks.
  10. And my all time favourite….Shredded Bamboo – but this costs money.

Covering the lid with whatever you are using in your garden to keep the moisture in your soil will be more than adequate.   This keeps the hot air out in summer and the cold air out in winter so your waste decomposes rather than dehydrates.   Nothing can easily decompose dry waste so keep your lids covered and your contents wet.   It will disappear eventually over time if left uncovered and becomes dry, but it takes a long time depending on what you filled your pot with. It also keeps the light out as most garden critters who live in your soil prefer the dark.  You don’t have to cover your pots.  But you will find it works more efficiently, breaks down quicker, and the contents stay nice and moist.  In the end it is up to you.  Try both ways and see for yourself which works better in your garden.

Even though this is a small compost bin it is incredibly efficient and you might be pleasantly surprised when you see how fast your waste disappears. It is super easy to fill with the wide opening so you don’t have to chop anything like you have to do to feed your worms. Naturally, some things you might need to chop up, like a cauliflower base – it all depends on what you eat. Fruit and Veg waste will be gone in one to two weeks max.  In many instances the pot will be completely empty. It all depends on the density of the food waste and how active the bugs are inside your pots. Everything else takes roughly 4 to 6 weeks and up to 10 weeks in winter.   That is still faster than most other compost systems. Results will vary of course depending on your particular circumstances and what food you eat. The beauty of this system is you don’t need to wait for everything to decompose before you top it up. Just keep topping it up and it will keep disappearing into the soil and turn your trash into triumph in your garden without any real hard work from you. Another secret to fast waste disposal is soaking your scraps to ferment them. I now recommend you do this with all your waste all year round and not just in winter as shown in a very old video.

Choose a container to keep on your kitchen bench or under your sink with a lid that is airtight but easy to remove. You don’t want to make this a chore. If the lid is hard to remove you won’t do it. It needs to seal the container well so no bugs infiltrate your house or your waste collection container. Then simply collect all your kitchen scraps in this container and add “Wastewater”. Allow your scraps to soak in this “Wastewater” for as long as you can tolerate so it gets stinky.

As a general rule this waste covered in water will not smell for roughly 3 to 5 days. Though some things go off quicker than others.  Like cat food – stinky stuff. If it gets to three days and you can’t stand the smell, then empty it or add more waste water to dilute the odour. This buys you time till the weekend when you have time to empty it. Or you can add lots of citrus peel.  It will smell beautiful even when you toss it into your Compot. Work out what works best for you.  But the longer your waste soaks the quicker it will decompose.  Turn your stinky waste into sensational soil which is in fact called “Frass”. Frass is the by-product (like worm castings) created from hundreds of Soldier Fly larvae devouring your waste. It is super rich so spread it around your garden and not just in one spot. Then water it in well like you would any other fertiliser or soil conditioner.

If you are using your Compots for worm friendly waste only you do not need to ferment your waste. Worms don’t like fermented waste.  A couple of days is ok but any more than that will get too much for the worms to tolerate as the waste becomes too acidic for them to manage. When you collect ALL your waste together, ideally you want to ferment this waste with wastewater so it does several things…..

  1. Softens the waste.
  2. Starts the decomposition process
  3. Makes it easier for bacteria and bugs to dispose of it.
  4. Attracts the Soldier Flies who will devour your waste quicker than worms
  5. Allows you to fit 10 litres of waste into just one pot.
  6. Helps in winter when the bacteria, bugs and or Soldier Flies might be  hibernating
  7. Nourishes your garden when you toss it all in your Compot.
  8. Dilutes and mingles all the odours and nutrients
  9. Provides instant food for your plants – in solution
  10. Last but not least….It keeps vermin away

If for what ever reason you find it does not keep the vermin away it probably means you are not soaking the waste long enough. Or you are using sugar cane mulch where rats are prevalent in that area. Thus, you might need to have a larger container in your laundry or shed where you can accumulate more than one bucket of waste and allow it to ferment for longer than a day. This to me is extra work and takes up extra space, so try soaking it overnight, empty it into your Compot and watch what occurs. If nothing is trying to dig around your pots or chew threw your pots then you know this will work in your garden. But if you find those pesky rats or something else is trying to get into your pots then you know you need to soak the waste for a longer period of time. Just make sure you don’t use a container that gets too heavy to carry. Every critter in the garden is looking for food to eat and your waste can be an easy food source for these animals if you don’t soak your waste. Fresh waste is easily smelt by animals in your garden.  That is not to say this won’t work.  It all depends on your circumstances.  For instance – some people have great success in raised garden beds when using the eco-eze composter for just worms. You need to work out what you prefer to do and what works in your garden. Other options (coming soon)

Wastewater is any water you are tossing down your kitchen drain that is going to waste.   It could be…

  1. Cooking water – eg. pea, pasta, rice, veggie water etc
  2. Water from a container you rinsed out that is destined for your recycle bin.
  3. Washing up water – if you wash up by hand.  A little detergent is a good thing (video to come)
  4. Grey water if you have a way to collect this easily
  5. Any water you can save from being wasted down the drain

The bad thing is – you will realise just how much water you waste when you start collecting it.   But don’t stress.   No one is perfect.  If you fill your pot up with more water than waste this can only be a good thing as you are putting water back into your garden.  Work out what works for you.   If you still waste some down the drain that is ok too.   You can only save so much unless you have a grey water system.  Just do the best you can.

Usually, the Soldier Fly Larvae crowd out the worms in a worm farm if they are in large numbers.  The worms don’t like the leachate produced by the Soldier Fly Larvae.   As worms are self regulating they will eat each other if there is no food for them to eat.  Some people manage to get the two working together in their worm farms.   But it does require management. With the Compot system, the worms have somewhere to escape – the soil.  You never have to worry about your worms dying with this eco-eze compost solution if it gets too hot, or too cold, or you go away on holidays. The Soldier Flies is exactly what you want inside your Compot because they eat everything, and are super fast and efficient.  But in a worm farm they crowd out the worms.  You might find they fly out at you when you remove the lid as they can’t get out otherwise. Soldier Fly Larvae are pretty stinky above ground as the leachate smells just like ammonia created in anaerobic conditions. There is no smell when in the ground and the Ammonia is instant food for you plants. If you live in the bush you could use a worm farm for Soldier Flies because no one will care about the odour. But in urban environments you have to consider your neighbours as they most likely won’t approve of your composting methods. With a Compot in the ground there is no smell.  If there is a small you need to call me so I can work out what you are doing and how to tweak your process.

If you are a household of more than one person you will need more than one Compot.  A general rule of thumb is one per person and one for the garden.  That is a good starting point.   However, I find vegetarians often need two per person and two for the garden.  I think this is because they eat lots more fresh food and less processed food. The eco-eze Compot composter actually works faster than larger compost bins which is why you don’t always need a lot of them.   Depending on the amount of waste you produce you may never need anymore than one per person and one for the garden.  If you do need more you can always buy more. Ideally, you need to plant a few around your garden and rotate filling them.  By the time you get back to the first one, it will be well and truly ready to take more of your waste. The waste disappears into the surrounding soil so you don’t need to collect and spread soil as you do with traditional Compost Bins.  The worms will move around the garden from pot to pot and spread their castings as they go. So much less work for you. Some people choose to have lots of pots so they can nourish all their garden easily.  Other people get a few and move then around the garden every 6 moths or so. In the end it is up to you what will work best for you and your circumstances.  I only move mine if I am re-designing the garden.  Otherwise they stay in the same place forever. Your awful waste will become awesome soil in less time than other compost systems.   If you waste does not turn to soil I give you your money back.  But you can’t fail with this system. It is all just a matter of time and your waste will transform into beautiful soil, and transform your garden.

If you want to collect and harvest soil you can. Just let one pot rest for 4 to 6 weeks without topping it up and it will turn into beautiful rich composted “Frass” that is easy to scoop out with your hand or a trowel. This occurs quicker than a traditional compost bin and is easy to collect. If you don’t like filling the pots with everything from your kitchen you can choose to fill them with just worm friendly food only, as you would in a worm farm. The worms will try to fill the pot up with soil back up to ground level.  You will get more soil this way but you will have to empty it more often as well.   Thus a little more work involved. Worms are great in raised garden beds if you really want to breed up worms and see them in action inside your pots.  The choice is yours and you will soon work out what’s best for your situation.  But remember that fresh waste can attract the wrong kind of garden critter.  If this happens then you need to follow my instructions and soak your waste in wastewater as seen in this video about composting in Winter.  Compots in winter I find that soaking your scraps in wastewater works well all year round and not just winter. Remember. ..Just… Fill…Forget…Refill…when ready and watch your garden grow. Articles coming soon What can I put in my Compots with my dog waste (coming soon) What if my dogs want to dig it up (coming soon) Black Soldier Flies and Animal Waste (coming soon) Composting in winter Propagating wheatgrass propagating seeds Shop eco-eze Compots Now Shop ABSeeds

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Reviews from Google

Tammy Nguyen
I knew about Vicki's compot system about 2 years ago. At first, I was wondering how it works and whether it is a fast and effective composting system. Vicki was very helpful in explaining how it works and offered lots of tips to set up different ways to use the compot.
I purchased two of these compost bins, put them into my flower gardens, started putting all of my scraps into one first and then the other. So now I just rotate using them. I am very glad I purchased two, as it’s working very well for me.
Hendrika Kwan
Install once and just top it like any dustbin. A dustbin that handles any waste that will rot. The plants then help themselves to available nutrients and the organic mattee will be reduced in time. Simple, straight forward and self maintaining.
5 Star Reviews

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Eco-eze Compot Composter

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    How many do I need?

    To ensure optimal sustainability practices, we advise beginning with one Eco-Eze Compot per person, effectively allocating one for each household member. Plus one for the garden. This initial distribution usually establishes a robust foundation. Should your compost needs exceed this initial estimate, rest assured, extra units are easily accessible. Vegetarians, given their dietary habits and potentially higher compost production, might find that doubling the allocation to two units per person, along with a corresponding amount for the garden, better aligns with their requirements.

    Household / Garden Size 1 Person 2 People 3 People 4 People
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    Large Garden (8 – 12m²)
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    Black Friday Special

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    *One coupon redeemable per order.
    (Valid: 20th – 30th November)

    Black Friday Special

    Coupon Code: BFriday

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    With 1, 2, 4 or 5 Compot + Lid order.

    *One coupon redeemable per order.
    (Valid: 20th – 30th November)